About Us
Pittsburgh Technical Consultants
Paul Fischbeck Ph.D.
Ph.D. Engineering Stanford Univ.
MSc. Operations Research & Systems
BSc. Architecture
Performed predictive risk assessment of shuttle accident before Columbia accident in 2003
Advisory consultant to US Government on Deep-Water Horizon Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico
Chair of several National Academies panels on energy infrastructure risk management
Professor, Engineering and Public Policy / Social Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University

Sola M. Talabi Ph.D.
Ph.D. Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
MSc. Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
MBA Carnegie Mellon University
BSc. Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
Developed advanced risk management program to improve cost and schedule delivery for nuclear projects in China and US with total project scope over 30Billion USD
Over 17 years experience in nuclear industry

Tevfik Gemci Ph.D.
Ph.D. Engineering, Kaiserslautern University, Germany
MSc. Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
B.Sc. Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
Computational Fluid Dynamics expertise applied to aerosols, photovoltaics and heat exchangers​​
Experimental expertise applied to sprays, atomization and laser measurements​
Academic teaching experience in Mechanical Engineering
Published and presented academic research for more than 30 conferences and journals

Susan Chang Ph.D.
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
MSc. Civil Engineering, Beijing Polytechnic University
B.Sc. Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University
Westinghouse AP1000 structural consultant and design authority​​
Thermal-hydraulic and fluids expertise.​
Multi-physics expertise applied in finite element analysis for ANSYS software.
Equipment qualification and testing expert.

Kenneth Redus PhD. ABD
Ph.D. (ABD), Operations Research and Statistics, University of New Mexico
M.S. Operations Research, University of Alabama
B.A., Mathematics, Texas A&M University
Expertise in nuclear waste characterization and management​​
Expertise in mathematical modeling of phenomena for predictive analytics​
Expertise in uncertainty analysis using statistics with applications in programmatic, project and safety risk assessments
Published and presented several academic and peer reviewed scientific works.​

Rohan Biwalkar
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
MSc. Energy Technology, Indian Institute of Technology
B.Sc. Mech. Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
Thermal-hydraulics and computational fluid dynamics expertise​​
Experimental test plan development
Experience in automotive and nuclear industries

Lee Huffman
Grove City College
Westinghouse AP1000 Manager of Risk, Licensing, and Process Improvement
16 years Experience with Westinghouse
I&C Hardware Design
Process Improvement Manager - Six Sigma Blackbelt, HuP and Lean
AP1000 Strategy and Business Development
AP1000 Risk Manager
AP1000 Licensing Manager
Grove City College, Electrical Engineering
Small Business Owner, Real Estate Investments

Felicia Hutchinson
AAS Web Applications Option, Web Technology
Certification, Graphics and Web Design
Certification, Technical Support
Experience in project management, data management and analytics, as well as technical support for QSR locations and technicians.