Penn State Microreactor Front End Engineering Support

Pittsburgh Technical is performing front end engineering for the PSU Westinghouse microreactor. Our work includes developing functional specifications, program and management, cost estimation, schedule development and risk management.
Independent Assessment of First Planned SMR Deployment in US

Pittsburgh Technical supported the independent assessment of the NuScale SMR deployment for the Carbon Free Power Project.
Safety Analysis for Microreactor Design

Pittsburgh Technical provided safety analysis support to support the design of the Oklo microreactor.
Neutronics Analysis

Pittsburgh Technical worked with Argonne National Labs to develop right-sized emergency planning zone standards for the IAEA.
Safety Analysis for Microreactor Siting

Pittsburgh Technical secured a $1million DOE NEUP grant along with PSU to develop the technical bases for a site-boundary emergency planning zone for the planned microreactor deployment at PSU's University Park campus.
Neutronics Analysis

Pittsburgh Technical performed neutronics analysis to support the design of a reactor concept for Last Energy
Design, fabrication and commissioning of a First of a Kind Small Modular Reactor Experimental Containment

Pittsburgh Technical won a US Department of Energy award to commission and operate a one-of-a-kind reactor experimental facility. This facility is called the Small Modular and Advanced Reactor Testing (SMART) facility, and is operated by Pittsburgh Technical.
NRC Rulemaking on Advanced Reactor Emergency Planning Zones

Pittsburgh Technical won a US Department of Energy award to perform determine advanced reactor accident response by emulating actual accident conditions. This study was used to support the recent NRC rulemaking on right-sized emergency zones for advanced reactors
Post-Accident Evacuation Time Estimation

Pittsburgh Technical developed a method to improve evacuation time estimation for advanced reactor accident scenarios by coupling a plume exposure model with a stochastic logic-tied evacuation schedule model.