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Talabi, Sola M., and Paul Fischbeck. "Exploring expert confidence in cost estimates for nuclear power engineering, procurement and construction projects–a survey of nuclear industry experts." International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management 3 1.4 (2013): 374-389. 



Assessment of Nuclear Accident-Related Atmospheric Dispersion Methods and Models to Support Establishment of a Scalable Emergency Planning Zone for Small Modular Reactors Electric Power Research Institute EPRI ANT LR 2016-05



Summary of Research Findings and Gap Assessment of Technical Requirements to Support SMR Emergency Preparedness Framework, Electric Power Research Institute EPRI ANT LR 2016-02



Integrated Pressurized Water Reactor Emergency Planning Technical Support Roadmap, Electric Power Research Institute EPRI ANT LR 2016-03



Improving Construction Cost Learning Curves by Implementing Organizational Learning Tools for Risk Identification and Risk Assessment 
Proceedings of the Palisades Conference on Risk Management (2013)



Advancing Risk Management in Large Infrastructure Projects
Proceedings of the Third International Engineering Systems Symposium Design and Governance in Engineering Systems



Improving Nuclear Power Plant Construction Learning Curves 
Proceedings of the Society for Risk Analysis Annual Conference (2013)



Talabi, Sola M. Improving Cost and Schedule Performance on Large Energy Infrastructure Deployment Projects: Establishment of Best Practices for Risk Management and Organizational Learning based on Nuclear Power Generation Project Assessments. Diss. Carnegie Mellon University, 2013 



Advancing Risk Analysis in Nuclear Power Plant EPC Projects 
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Small Modular Reactors Symposium in Washington DC (2011)



A Novel Objective-based Approach to Nuclear Power Plant EPC Risk Management by Adoption of the Value-Focused Thinking and Mental Model Methods - An Empirical Evaluation with Nuclear Power Plant Projects. American Society of Mechanical Engineers – International Conference on Nuclear Energy, California (2012)



King, Ronald, Talabi, Sola M., Hastings, Peter, Zysk, Greg. “Advanced Nuclear Technology: Integrated Pressurized Water Reactor (iPWR) Containment Aerosol Deposition Behavior Phase 2b: Results and Analysis.” Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI 3002013032) (2018). 



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M., Fischbeck, Paul S., King, Ronald. “Quantification of Decontamination Factors for Small Modular Reactors – Findings from Empirical Studies.” ANS Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, San Francisco, CA (2018).



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M., Redus, Kenneth. “Assessment of Potential Improvements in Level II PRAs for Advanced Reactors based on Improved Aerosol Removal Mechanisms.” ANS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (2019). 



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M. “Significance of Modeling Specific Geometry in Post-accident Nuclear Aerosol Transport Analysis.” NURETH-18, Portland, OR (2019).



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Singh, Satbir, Sharma, Nishant., & Talabi, Sola M. “Development of a Parametric Computational Fluid Dynamics Model to Estimate Passive Aerosol Decontamination.” NURETH-18, Portland, OR (2019).



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M., Redus, Kenneth. “Overview of the Small Modular and Advanced Reactor Testing (SMART) Center.” ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, Washington D.C. (2019). 



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M., Redus, Kenneth. “Microreactor Safety Analysis Requirements for Flexible Siting.” ANS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ (2020). 



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M. “Variation of Aerosol Deposition with iPWR Containment Vessel Submergence Depth.” ANS Annual Meeting (2021).



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M. “Effect of Non-Uniform Particle Distribution on Particle Deposition in iPWRs.” ANS Annual Meeting (2021).



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M. “Enabling Nuclear Deployment in Locations Without Robust Regulatory Institutions Through Technology-Enhanced Regulatory Frameworks.” ANS Winter Meeting & Expo (2021).



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M., Stover, Craig. “Fission Product Deposition in Integral Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Vessels: Development of a Code to Investigate iPWR-Specific Scenarios.” NURETH-19, Brussels, Belgium (2019). 



Lantgios, Iza G., Biwalkar, Rohan M., Hornbostel, Katherine M., Talabi, Sola M. “Identification and Assessment of the Potential for Resuspension of Fission Product in Integral Pressurized Water Reactor (iPWR) Containment Vessels.” NURETH-19, Brussels, Belgium (2019).



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Lantgios, Iza G., Talabi, Sola M., Hornbostel, Katherine M. “Development of a Model to Estimate Resuspension of Fission Products in an Integral Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Vessel.” International Conference on Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR), Pittsburgh, PA (2022).



Talabi, Sola M., Biwalkar, Rohan M. “Technology-Enhanced Regulatory Frameworks - The Advanced Containment for Radionuclide Aerosol Deposition (AC-RAD) Concept.” ANS Annual Meeting (2022).



Talabi, Sola M., Biwalkar, Rohan M. “Risk Management of Large Energy Infrastructure Projects - Perspectives from Advanced Nuclear Power Deployment.” ANS Annual Meeting (2022).



Talabi, Sola M., Biwalkar, Rohan M. “Microreactor Deployment for Rapid Power Supply in Emergency Natural Disaster Situations.” ANS Annual Meeting (2022).



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M. “A Stochastic Approach to Estimate Fission Product Retention in a Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR).” ANS Winter Meeting & Expo (2022). (Accepted)



Biwalkar, Rohan M., Talabi, Sola M., Stover, Craig. “Development of a Lumped-Parameter Code for Analysis and Investigation of Integrated Pressurised Water Reactor-Specific In-Containment Fission Product Deposition Scenarios.” Nuclear Science and Engineering (2022). (Submitted)





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